Friday, 15 November 2013

Free PHP Web Hosting Review- Unlimited Features From is one of the best free PHP web hosting online. When you compare this site with other sites then definitely you will feel better than all other sites. website provide free PHP web hosting with out placing any ads. Yes, they don’t add any of the add code in our websites or blogs like text ad links, pop up ads or I frame ads or banner ads. There are no forced ads implemented in our blogs and websites. So, we can use this free PHP web hosting as per our wish. Following are the features provided by Please go through it. is providing 250 M.B. of web space for all free users. And 5000 M.B. of data transfer every month. Up to 5 GB of data transfer you can make with this free PHP web hosting.  It is very nice for bloggers who want to install word press. Or you can start any forums or personal websites also. You can install simple machines forum or PHP bb forum script. You will get one POP 3/ SMTP and also one web mail in your own name.  You will have complete FTP Access. You can get access to your control panel and there are no any restrictions.  You can edit, delete and modify your files from your file manager. They are providing PHP 4 and PHP 5 versions with MySQL 5 version. Using control panel is very easy; everyone can manage it easily even if you don’t have much technical knowledge. Activation of your website will be done instantly. But you must need to verify your Email address before getting started. You don’t get these many benefits in free PHP web hosting if you compare with other sites. Activation is completely free and you don’t need to pay a single penny. Yes, they don’t even ask you to donate to their website. All the process is completely free. You can start your own website with PHP web hosting instantly without paying any amount. They don’t even ask you to verify with your credit card or PayPal account. Some other free PHP web hosting providers will ask you to donate or ask you to upgrade after some time. Even if they don’t ask you to upgrade, definitely they will place their ads in your website. They want to generate revenue from your website. But here the things go completely reverse. I made a personal review on lot of free PHP web hosting providers and finally I felt very much happy with I am using for my personal websites and blogs from years. I didn't face any problem up to now from their side. And I even didn't pay a single cent to them up to now. 

One of the most important things you must know, they are even providing three free domains for your website. They provide you domain names in extension. They even don’t charge you for providing free domain name also. Got shocked! But yes, you will get free domains, free PHP web hosting with instant activation without any ads. Place your own ads. Earn yourself from your ads.

Here I am explaining you once again about the features of free PHP web hosting from
  1. 250 MB of web space
  2. 5000 MB (5 GB) of monthly data transfer
  3. Host 1 domain name of your own
  4. 3 free domain names from extension
  5. User friendly control panel
  6. FTP access and manage yourself without any conditions
  7. MYSQL latest version MYSQL 5
  8. PHP 4 and PHP 5 versions
  9. Instant Activation Process, Just need to verify you mail address
  10. Host your own domain name
  11. Get three domain names
  12. You will get free site builder tools
  13. No ads will be placed. You can place your own ads
Up to here everything is fine. But what if your files size is more than 250 MB and your monthly bandwidth increase more than 5000 MB? Will they charge you huge amount to upgrade your package? No, you are completely wrong. Upgrading packages are very less and you don’t need to feel tense about it. You can compare free PHP web hosting and cheap upgrading packages below.

Upgrading packages review for unlimited web hosting plans:
Here you are having two upgrading packages personal and business. In both upgrading packages you will get complete unlimited web hosting and unlimited data transfer every month. Regular price for personal upgrading package is 6.95$ and business upgrading package is 10.95$. But you can get these upgrading packages for just 4.95$ for personal upgrade and 6.95$ for business upgrading package. You will enjoy unlimited web hosting features with any of the above mentioned. For both unlimited web hosting packages, you will get free domain for life time. You can choose you own domain name extension with .com or .info. What ever it may be and what ever the cost it may be, you can choose it with your unlimited upgrade hosting package. For free PHP web hosting you will get only 3 domain names, but for personal package you will get five domains and with business hosting plan you will get fifty domains. Data back ups will be made automatically every week. You don’t need to backup your data. They will do all the things at free of cost. is also powered as “Green Web Hosting”.

Email Features:
Get unlimited Email accounts with business hosting plan and 1000 Email accounts for personal. Email aliases will be also same for both accounts. You will get up to 100 Email filters. So, you can reduce spam in your Email inbox.  You can maintain three mailing lists with these packages.

Pricing comparison for free PHP Web hosting and paid unlimited web hosting.


web hosting

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